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  • Writer's pictureFloyd, Clayton, or John

Saturday - April 18, 2020

April 18, 2020

“Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron,” 1Timothy 4:1-2

Paul warned Timothy that in the last days there would be some who would depart from the faith. It is clear that we are seeing that happen in our lifetime. Churches that were once lighthouses for Truth have become sinking ships with only the light shining from under the water. In their rush to reach the world they have replaced the Word of God with the way of the world.

The Greek construction of verse one means that they have “turned their back” on the truth, and “devoted themselves” to the doctrines of the devil. Beloved, the devil has always tried to derail the work of the church in reaching people with the glorious Gospel of Christ. The devil has tried to threaten believers, persecute believers, ridicule believers, and now to dilute the message of believers.

Beloved, sin is still sin. Sin is NOT “just an alternate lifestyle.” Abortion is still murder. Homosexuality is still a sin. Transgender living is still an act of open rebellion against God. Adultery, murder, and lying are still sins. Regardless of what some “so-called spiritual leader” says.

Beloved we must remain faithful to God’s word!

Pray for Revival

Pray for the Nation

Pray for Dr.s and Nurses

Pray for First Responders

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