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  • Writer's pictureFloyd, Clayton, or John

Wednesday - May 6, 2020 - Join Me in the Suffering?

Updated: May 8, 2020

7 For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. 8 So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God. 2 Timothy 1: 7-8

Asking someone to join you in suffering would be a hard sell I have no doubt - unless the one you're asking does not see it as suffering. For example, if you were to ask someone to help you in a lengthy move of a lot of heavy stuff, it might initially seem like you're asking them to do something that only benefits you and not them in any way, But, if you told them they were earning twenty-five dollars an hour, you'd probably have people wanting to volunteer to join you in the "suffering" of the lifting and moving of the heavy stuff. They might even suggest prolonging the move so it might fill up the full eight hour day. I'm not saying it's all in how you "sell it". What I am saying is that one man's "suffering" is another man's "no big deal."

Remember, Paul is encouraging Timothy with this particular letter. He's reminding Timothy that the Spirit God gives us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. Who wouldn't want these things? Strength to stand in difficulties, power to overcome - maybe our past or our current, love when it's difficult to love, self-discipline when we feel like we're out of control and beyond help or hope - these are great things that The Spirit of God has given us. These are thing that Paul had gone through and was going through at the time. The encouragement to "not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner," was a call of sorts to "lean in" during these times because that's where the identity with Christ would be found and experienced. The call to "join with me in suffering for the gospel," will always be met by the power of God. Remember, it's Paul who said that he was okay with suffering because when it happened, Christ was made strong even though he, himself, was made weak.

What a "payoff" to "suffer" or go through something so that the Glory of God would be revealed and done in the hearts and lives of hundreds of thousands around the world! That's way better that twenty-five dollars an hour.

- Pray that the Lord would "show-off" during this worldwide crisis - that things that can only be attributed to Him will take place. (I've already seen it in the way apartment complexes are having residents out on their balconies singing playing instruments - CONNECTING - in ways they had never done before)

- Pray that the present "suffering" would last long enough for the will of God to be done.

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