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  • Writer's pictureFloyd, Clayton, or John

September 30, 2020 - Your Rightful Place

“After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God.” Mark 16:19

Jesus had just appeared to the disciples and had confirmed to them that He had accomplished what He was sent to do on the Earth. They had watched Him every day He was with them and saw many miraculous things. Jesus had given them the ability to make a huge impact in this world. His time on Earth has come to a final end. They watched in great wonder as He was taken up into Heaven and saw that He sat down at the right hand of God. Amazing!

What would be going through your mind if you had seen this happen? Would you have a greater feeling of determination to fulfill the task that He left with you, to share the Gospel with the World? What would be your thoughts about Jesus as you saw Him take His place in Heaven?

We see from this passage of scripture that Jesus revealed several things in this one verse. He showed us and the world that He had completed the work that His Father had sent Him to do on this earth, therefore He sat down. He had done everything expected of Him! From this position, Jesus could now rest from His labors on earth. He had completed His work. Doesn’t that give you the hope that one day we will be able to rest from our labors on this earth too. Those things that God has asked of us will be completed and we can rest! Hallelujah! I’m so looking forward to that day when God can say to me, “Well done, Thou good and faithful servant!”

Jesus sat down on the Right hand of God! This was a place of honor from God the Father. It was a place that Jesus had previously left when He came to earth to save us from our sins. It was a place that was reserved for Him by His Father! It shows us that it was a place that had authority and power attached to it in Heaven. What a place of Divine dignity!

This honored place was also a place of Divine Rule. He has taken His place in Heaven that rules over all. He is God!

We can see that Jesus was who He claimed to be. He fulfilled the work that God had sent Him to do on this earth and now He can enjoy the place of Honor that His Father has given Him. What a testimony!

As we read scripture and see all the passages that show us the nature of Jesus Christ, it should encourage us to be faithful and committed to the work He’s called us to while we have the time on this earth. It should also encourage our worship of the Holy God we serve for who He is to us. I challenge you to be active and never lose sight of the race that you’re called to run in this life. Do the best that you can as you live out each day to its fullest for Christ. Know that there is a place being prepared for us in Heaven that will be specific for us just like the place that was given to Jesus Christ.

- Pray for Our Sunday School Teachers

- Pray for Our Deacons and Family

- Pray for Our Staff

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